6 - 12 Jan
Had to move all the domains I have to a new host. In the process I added https://trainthing.com breaking the Train Thing away from my domain knob.com.
Spend most of the week selecting a host for four domains and moving websites and doing prep for the new mill/drill. The wall is open, insulated where open to the roof & attic and electrical boxes installed. Made two trips to the dump with old wallboard and plaster.
Tools to go with the tool were ordered and receive. Based on my newbie skill level the old line "measured with a micrometer, marked with chalk, and cut with an ax" applies. I now have tools to measure to the 0.001 of an inch. When the 18" x 12" x 3" Granite Inspection Surface Plate (B Toolroom Grade) arrives, it will have a top that is flat to within 0.0001". With that and the height gauge, I can put the chalk away. All fairly tight tolerances for a model RR. But I do "need" the tools to make brackets for the semaphore's control servos.