2020 Process
This is the 2020 weekly documentation of the development process for the Train Thing. To expand a section, click on the "►" icon next to the annual or monthly title.
- Vertical mill ordered and received
- Tools to measure ordered and received
- Much time on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Sitemaps and element descriptions entered.
- Work on the "machine shop"
- First cut at Laptop to Pi Semaphore commands
- Raspberry Pi fan hardware finished.
- Add a 2nd Raspberry Pi to monitor turnout status
- Modified the software library to manage two Raspberry Pi Unicorn HD HATs.
- Added first TrainThing video to website.
- Added X-DRO to mill.
- Lathe and horizontal band saw assembled and in place
- Designed a Dial Indicator Holder for the lathe.
- Updated simulator documentation
- Added simulator "quick start video"
- Working on simulator signals
- Added "Design Details" section to this documentation.
- Idea for new 'features.'
- Ordered a TrainCam. We will see.
- Added an interface board to eliminate some point-to-point wiring (mess) around the Tortoise and Wabbit.
- Started glossary
- Rewriting, adding structure to the simulator.