Train Thing Development Documentation
Phase II
- Develop preliminary software for Raspberry Pi (3) and (3A) to:
- Pass DCC++ commands from the laptop (4) to the Arduino (2) and return status from the Arduino to the laptop.
- Internet interface between Laptop (4) and Raspberry Pi (3)
- USB/internet interface between PC (4) and Raspberry Pi (3A)
- USB interface between Raspberry Pi (3A) and (3)
- USB interface between Raspberry Pi (3) and Arduino/DCC++ BaseStation (2)
- Accept commands from the laptop to control the servos/semaphores.
- Design signal control commands/response between the PC (4) and Raspberry Pi (3)
- Extract signal control commands from stream coming from PC
- Accept commands from the laptop to Raspberry Pi (3 A ) to manage turnout sensors
- Extract sensor control commands from stream coming from PC
- Add/update/delete the association between turnout sensor IDs and GPIO pins
- Report stored sensor IDs
- Store/delete associations
- Report to the laptop (4) the status or changes in status of the turnout sensors.
- In lieu of a "FanShim" for cooling, design and install a Raspberry Pi (3) fan
- Design fan mounting to cool Raspberry Pi CPU to avoid clock throttling
- Use CPU temperature and/or frequency to trigger fan control
- Add push button to control fan
- Add Fan/temperature/frequency status to unicorn HAT display
- Modify Unicorn HAT HD SPI library to use two select lines and two Unicorn HATs (3)
- Add the Train Thing Simulator to the Website
- Update/fix software
- Build the "Quick Start" Video
- Install semaphore signals and control servos
- Design control servo mounting brackets and linkage
- Manufacture brackets and parts
- Install semaphore signals as they become available.
- Add turnout status sensors
- Design brackets to hold and adjust turnout feedback sensors
- Build and install brackets
- Design/build custom Raspberry Pi (3A) HAT/Bonnet to interface 24 GPIO pins and sensors.
- Program and install Wabbits with feedback.
- Add IOPi HAT to the Raspberry Pi 4 (3) stack to accept feedback input from Wabbits.
- Build cabling.