20 - 26 Jan
Spent a day configuring a SW tool to generate site maps for Train Thing. This will help site visibility and if I choose to monetize the site (How Crass!!). Paying for the software vs the free online version, makes available configuration options not available online. Images/photos (now) & videos (later) can be indexed and what to include/exclude are options.
Added more 'alt' text to images and 'title' to links and added sitemap_images.xml to the mix.
Vertical mill/drill and granite surface plate arrived. Some assembly required. Delivered to the curb. Not a minor effort to get the boxes on the porch, out of the weather (snow).
More technical questions to HelpNDoc and about semaphores. Prep of tool space continues.
Added to documentation header as a link back to main menu. (This is included here to get the graphic in the library.)