• Been 10 days sense I have heard from Arduino Tech Support. Installed my spare Arduino. Wrote a scratch file to upload info from the database (sensors and relays) and build turnouts data.
  • Day 12 got something besides an auto response from Arduino Tech Support. Answered their questions.
  • I made too many changes to the Merry-go-round script without testing. Things now don't work. 
  • Updated Camtasia to the new version 2022.0.1
  • Found the roadblock in the Merry-go-round script. Now working on another.
  • Adding some structure and fun features to Merry-go-round. Now dirty track stops the train.
  • Arduino doesn't have an answer yet but ask for info 'to start replacement process.'
  • Last night (real early this morning) the Merry-go-Round ran to the end, Total time: 9:44. 
    • Cleaned the track.
    • Added process to set signals based on turnouts/smart routs.
    • Added count for total run time.
    • Added central error detection using "raise" to end everything if an error detected. And it works. It pointed me to an error caused by a hack I added earlier and forgot.
    • Happy camper.
  • While things ran, I think I notices some signals that didn't seem to be correct. Need to add some structure so I can track these down without running the program for 8 minutes to get to it.
  • Most of the time signals are correct. However, the timing is off. For example, signal goes green before the turnout is set. Signal needs to change after the wait for turnout to change.
  • Randomly a sensor is missed or a turnout command is missed???