• Working on a python script to run with JMRI and run the Grand Tour Video
    • Train, Turnouts, Sensors and Relays defined.
    • Train, Turnouts and Relays controlled.
    • Need to get eight sensors working correct.
    • One of the relays used to switch polarity of track blocks 7 & 8 stopped working. Temp wired in a manual switch so I can play.
  • Getting all 36 IR sensors to work with enough ambient light for pictures seems to be non-trivial.
    • Seems like three of the IR sensors don't work. 
  • Spotted a difference between simulator and hardware. The sensor numbering on track blocks 9 and 10 on the layout don't agree with the simulator. With three short 3-wire "extension cords" bought for servos, the HW now agrees with the simulator. Not elegant but it works.
  • Jython programming is progressing. Really should stop and read the manual.
  • Ordered replacement relays. (Will buy more than one!)
  • Ordered more IR sensors and IR LEDs for "standard" mod for repair.
  • Reported a html error in the Camtasia video files. Not holding my breath.
  • Had a programming exercise idea call it "druken8". The train runs a figure-8 path and each time the train exits the "X" the path is randomly switched to the large or small figure-8 or a large or small oval. Really need to read the manual.
  • Had to stop running trains due to sunlight on the track. Quick look prices blinds at over $300!!! Night time game.
  • Bench work on IR sensors and Tortoise/Wabbit IO boards.